Filtering by: Presentation

to Nov 29

Binita Magaiya presents her research at KU-Leuven's Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (RLICC)

  • Google Calendar ICS

Binita Magaiya a research assistant with Heritage as Placemaking (HaP), was invited to present her research and current projects at her alma mater, KU-Leuven's Raymond Lemaire International Centre for Conservation (RLICC). The presentations took the form of semi-formal seminars for first and second-semester Master's students.

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to Nov 21

HaP Team at Volkswagen Stiftung’s Global Issues Convention (GIC)

  • Google Calendar ICS

The Volkswagen Stiftung’s Global Issues Convention (GIC) was held between November 19th and 21st, 2024 in Hannover, Germany. The convention focused on four key areas: mobility, cross cutting, heritage and pandemics. This year’s convention was attended by the Heritage as Placemaking team, as the VW Stiftung is a central stakeholder in HaP’s sponsoring structure.

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The Looting and Trafficking of Asia's Sacred Cultural Objects
2:00 PM14:00

The Looting and Trafficking of Asia's Sacred Cultural Objects

  • Sociology Classroom 001, ES Building, South Asian University (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On 31st March, at South Asian University (Sociology Classroom 006, ES Building) from 2:00 pm–4:00 pm, Heritage as Placemaking post-doctoral researcher Dr. Emiline Smith (Scottish Centre for Crime and Justice Research, University of Glasgow) will give a presentation that traces the pathway of trafficked Asian cultural objects over the last 50 years. Please see the accompanying poster for the full abstract and further details.

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Presentations of research as part of "Community Resilience - A Reflection on 2015 Earthquake" (Kathmandu, Nepal)
10:30 PM22:30

Presentations of research as part of "Community Resilience - A Reflection on 2015 Earthquake" (Kathmandu, Nepal)

HaP Researchers Binita Magaiya, Dr. Monalisa Maharjan, and Dr. Sabin Ninglekhu each presented their work as part of the seminar Community Resilience - A Reflection on 2015 Earthquake, an event in Kathmandu organized by Queen’s University Belfast, The British Academy, and the Royal Institute of British Architects.

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Nostalgia Series: 02. Kirati Myths
2:30 AM02:30

Nostalgia Series: 02. Kirati Myths

Baakhan Nyane Waa presents its second episode of our Nostalgia Series, to hear the stories of the indigenous community of the Kirati. Our storyteller, Prof. Dr. Martin Gaenszle, will be answering questions in this storytelling session. (Organized by Baakhan Nyane Waa, conducted in collaboration with the Heritage as Placemaking Summer School 2022)

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